GreenFeathers News
Welcome to the Green Feathers blog. Read all our latest wildlife guides, bird watching tips and more to help you get close to nature in your garden. Get your bird box cameras and wildlife cameras to spot the wildlife in habitats around your garden today.
Bird of the Month - Swift
Discover the swift, a remarkable bird that begins nesting in late May in the UK. Join us as we delve...
Connecting with Nature: Discover our Hedgehog Box Camera Deluxe Bundle and its WiFi-enabled Wildlife Monitoring Experience
Are you fascinated by the wonders of nature? Do you enjoy observing the captivating behavior of wildlife in your own...
When Do Birds Start Nesting?
A handy little guide to nesting season in the UK, including what to expect to see popping up on your...
Experience The Big Garden Bird Watch
Photo by Patrice_Audet on Pixabay Are you an avid birdwatcher or just an admirer of nature? Either way, the Big...
Christmas Delivery Dates
Don't get in a flap this Christmas! Keep a cool head and order your Green Feathers gifts in time for...
Green Feathers App Updates May 2022
We have worked tirelessly for months to improve the Green Feathers app, and we're finally there!
World Wildlife Day 2022
World Wildlife Day To celebrate and raise awareness of the world's wild fauna and flora 2022 theme: “Recovering key...
How To Stop Herons Eating Pond Fish
If you have a pond in your garden, you might have experienced the impact herons can have on your...