GreenFeathers News
Welcome to the Green Feathers blog. Read all our latest wildlife guides, bird watching tips and more to help you get close to nature in your garden. Get your bird box cameras and wildlife cameras to spot the wildlife in habitats around your garden today.
How to Install a Bird Box Camera
Installing a camera into bird nesting boxes is an excellent way to watch nature in your garden. Placing a bird...
Meet The UK's First WiFi Bird Box Camera
Our line of bird box cameras have been delighting wildlife and bird lovers for years, providing incredible close-up views of...
Get Closer to Nature with a Bird Box Camera
Birds are ‘flighty’ little creatures. No matter how quietly you approach them, they always seem to hear you and fly...
Introducing Green Feathers Bird Box Cameras
For years now, our popular garden wildlife cameras have been delighting animal and bird lovers, and providing an unmissable view...