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The Easy Way To Keep Squirrels Away From Your Bird Feeder

The Easy Way To Keep Squirrels Away From Your Bird Feeder

Those greedy squirrels are back it again. Hogging all the food you've laid out for your feathered friends. Enthusiasts have found a simple (and somewhat strange) solution to keep them at bay however. What is this solution you ask? Coffee grounds. Yep, we were just as confused as you...

Squirrel on fence

In one of God's mysteries, squirrels don't like the smell of coffee! We're not quite sure who took it upon themselves to discover this, but we're thankful they did. Now when we're starting the day with our morning coffee, we can quickly visit our bird feeder and make it squirrel-proof. 

If you're worried about the squirrel's wellbeing, don't worry it doesn't cause them any harm. It just deters them, that's all. So it's a very humane method to keeping your bird feeder for well, just birds.

You'll want to sprinkle roughly a one-inch layer of coffee grounds around your bird feeder will get the job done. It doesn't even matter whether they're decaf or regular. We'd recommend replenishing these about once a week to keep the squirrel-free shield up.

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2 comments on The Easy Way To Keep Squirrels Away From Your Bird Feeder
  • Katie

    I dug the grounds I’d my trash just now and I am cautiously optimistic as the dang squirrels are getting on my last good nerve!b

    February 02, 2025
  • Katie

    I dug the grounds I’d my trash just now and I am cautiously optimistic as the dang squirrels are getting on my last good nerve!b

    February 02, 2025
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